Proficient Puzzler. Middle Name: Efficiency. Post-It Note Addict.

Mary moved from the rolling farm hills of Nebraska to earn her Bachelor’s degree from St. Mary’s University and fell in love with the people and places that make San Antonio special. Somewhere in a family photo album are snapshots of 2-year old Mary with a bottle of Windex cleaning the shelves at the family’s Hallmark store and 10-year old Mary displaying her homemade fruit and cheese tray. Since then, it’s been all about creating welcoming environments and meaningful moments for people to enjoy one another. Mary thrived in fundraising and event planning for more than 25 years before joining the CE Group. She brings her skills of problem-solving, service to others, creativity and maintaining calmness among chaos to the company. Mary uses the time while biking, mountain hiking, yoga-ing, jigsaw puzzling, house remodeling and cookie decorating to clear her mind and brainstorm the next great creative idea.